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SIMBKD is a Lecturer Performance Load Management Information System. SIMBKD is made to make it easier to calculate lecturer performance. Meanwhile, SIPENA is a Non Academic Assessment Information System. Sipena functions to monitor student activities
Lecturers are one of the essential components in the education system in Higher Education, especially the roles and responsibilities in realizing the goals of national education, namely to educate the nation's life and improve the quality of Indonesi
On August 12, 2016, LPPM (Institute for Research and Community Service) Unesa held a Seminar and Workshop on Management of Accredited Journals Based on the Open Journal System (OJS) and Strategies for Acquiring Intellectual Property Rights. The event
PPTI (Information Technology Development Center) Unesa received a visit from the Puskom (Computer Center) Jember State Polytechnic. The visit was accompanied by PT. Telkom in the framework of a comparative study of the data center owned by PPTI Unesa
Mendeley is an open source based reference management software. This software can be obtained for free and can even be used on various platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Apple MacOS, and Linux. The latest Mendeley version can be used on the Android
The State University of Surabaya (Unesa) as an educational institution strives to continuously facilitate the needs of the academic community, especially in terms of developing ICT infrastructure. The form of this effort is to collaborate with variou